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Create an international brand, cast a hundred years business
This is the development of MARCUCII dress goals, but also to promote the sustainable development of MARCUCII clothing motivation. As a leading garment company in China, creating China's world brand is not only the ultimate goal of the enterprise, but also the historic mission entrusted by the times. The achievement of a hundred-year enterprise also carries the ultimate mission of the enterprise to its employees.

MARCUCII apparel values
Honesty, pragmatism, responsibility, diligence, harmony is the core values MARCUCII apparel
Honesty is the root of the culture of MARCUCII apparel. Honesty and trustworthiness are both the cornerstone of enterprise development and the foundation of establishing enterprises. They are also the basic principles that enterprises abide by. MARCUCII apparel business and the success of the Road are derived from the integrity of the moral and regulatory awareness.
Pragmatic, is the culture of MARCUCII costumes, but also the business style. The foundation of a century-old industry relies on devoting itself to hard work. Gentleman sensitive line Xingnao words, say less to do more, do one day a monk hit a bell, a day hit a better day. Constantly creating value is the primary precondition for the existence of an enterprise, without pragmatic development.
Responsibility, MARCUCII dress is the cultural program. MARCUCII apparel social responsibility is not only to provide consumers with quality products, create benefits for employees, create benefits for shareholders, create value for society, but also to become practitioners of Chinese business ethics.
Diligence and frugalism are a traditional virtue of the Chinese people and an excellent tradition of the Chinese nation. Static to self-cultivation, frugality to raise Germany, no desire is just. Thrift is not just a measure of wealth, but also reflects one's mentality and realm. Tree clear air, thrifty wind legislation, a century of Albert.

Harmony, is the result of MARCUCII costumes culture. MARCUCII dress culture is the pursuit of the highest goal of harmony, harmony is between people, between people and business, business and society the most harmonious relationship between the most healthy and most conducive to progress. Harmony stems from responsibility, starting from tolerance, cooperation and mutual aid, starting from the side. No responsibility will not be harmonious, everyone consider themselves, it will not be harmonious, everyone will consider others, will be harmonious.